Shelter Statistics

Manatee County Animal Welfare utilizes a nationally-recognized standard to track our statistics.

View Manatee County's animal save rates dashboard.

The animal save rate is calculated by: (intake minus euthanasia outcomes) divided by intake. This number tells us the percentage of the animals admitted that were not euthanized.

Using this formula, a shelter may have a high save rate and be admitting many animals, adopting out few, euthanizing few and sheltering many. Animals admitted to a shelter, and housed for years without a live outcome, are “saved” according to this formula.

Shelters have multiple options regarding how to measure and publicly report on the work of their organizations. In some cases, there is much to be learned by examining statistics using a variety of methods.

For more information regarding data gathering and analysis, please visit the following websites:

ASPCA Live Release Rate

Maddie’s Fund